Participation fee


  • Participation with accommodation: 1450 PLN (fee covers: conference registration, conference materials, accommodation (2 nights), breakfast and lunch, coffee breaks, dinner and field session)
  • Participation without accommodation: 1000 PLN (fee covers: conference registration, conference materials, lunch, coffee breaks, dinner and field session)
  • Participation with accommodation + publication fee for Geomatics, Land management and Landscape: 1750 PLN
  • Participation with accommodation + publication fee for ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum, Formatio Circumiectus: 2100 PLN
  • Participation with accommodation + publication fee for Journal of Water and Land Development: 3300 PLN (the entire manuscript is limited to 12 pages A4, including text, tables and figures)
  • Participation without accommodation + publication fee for Geomatics, Land management and Landscape: 1300 PLN
  • Participation without accommodation + publication fee for ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum, Formatio Circumiectus: 1650 PLN
  • Participation without accommodation + publication fee for Journal of Water and Land Development: 2850 PLN (the entire manuscript is limited to 12 pages A4, including text, tables and figures)

The fee is to be paid to bank account:

Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków,
Bank BPH 67 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 7293
NIP 675 000 21 18

The payee should give Participant’s/Author’s name and payment title - ENVIRO 2023.


University of Agriculture in Krakow
Eng. Alicja Duda
+48 12 662 40 01
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